Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Your Prospects Are Not Buying

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

The Only Two Reasons They Ever Look Away.

Ever since I started my own home based business and having been on many prospecting calls, I have found that it really only boils down to one of two reasons why anyone won't buy, get started, sign up, order, etc.

  1. They Are Not Ready Yet

  2. You Are Not The Leader They Are Looking For

Now there are tons of different ways that someone might say no to you, but in reality they all boil down to one of these two reasons. Let's elaborate a little on each of these here:

#1 - They Are Not Ready Yet

When a prospect tells you that they are not ready yet, it does not mean that they will not be ready in the future. It only means that they are not ready to take action right now. Maybe this prospect is part of the wouldn't, shouldn't, couldn't crowd. Or perhaps they are just undecided - something that affects about 90% of everyone you contact. They have no resolution, no decision, and no forward progress. Ever. This is not something you have done to them and you must not take it personally. Most of these people are just conditioned to act this way and are programmed to doubt themselves as well as those around them. As a result, they don't decide and ultimately never moving from where they are.

Some people cannot move forward because of a preoccupation with other commitments and to start something with you would lead to an overwhelming environment. This can also be the case for successful people who multi-task and have multiple streams of income. Many times these can be your best business partners. When they are ready for a change, you could possibly be propelled to new success. Their past history of success will often repeat itself and they will become a top producer on your team.

Critical thinkers will usually not get started either. These are people who after looking or listening to information does not see an opportunity. They will object with statements like "I don't think anyone would pay $20 for a bottle of Product X" or "Who would buy that service for $500?" or "Nobody I know would do this." What they are really telling you is that they would not pay for this or do this, so they project onto everyone that nobody else would either. They may even try to convince you that your opportunity is not very good.

Whatever you do, don't take it personal. Just thank them for their time and show them the door. Let them know that if they ever get serious about changing their lives that they should feel free to get back in touch with you. However, many times you won't even want them to, so don't say it if you don't mean it.

Sometimes you even get a prospect to move forward and get started with your product or service, but the action stops there. They just don't act on what they just purchased. They may read the information, use the pills/juice/service, but they are just not ready to start marketing yet. Don't confuse knowledge with power. Applied knowledge is power, so if someone knows about the opportunity or has the information but does not act on it, it is because they are just not ready yet. Their belief in the opportunity's potential affects their actions, which affects their results, which affects their belief, which feeds what they believe is possible and the cycle of procrastination will continue.

Remember to keep these people in you contact list, in an autoresponder or follow up file, and perhaps they might even contact you and ask what they need to do to move forward. This is a good thing - your best partners are the ones that come to you.

#2 - You Are Not The Leader They Are Looking For

When I say leader, this can mean anything from "marketer" to "advertiser" to " salesperson" to "information provider" to "business partner". No matter what title you give yourself, you must continually improve on yourself. When I first started and was struggling to enroll anyone into my business, I realized that the only thing keeping the prospects (that I hadn't weeded out who were not ready) from getting started was ME!

My doubts and fears of success, failure, leadership, responsibility, etc. were so strong and so obvious and I repelled good people who might have joined if I was more comfortable with myself. I liked my business, my product, my opportunity; I just didn't believe in myself.

I found that the biggest reason that people will not see you as the leader they are looking for is not because your product/service is not good, but because they see you as you see yourself. With all the doubt, fear, uncertainty, low self esteem, etc., why would anyone ever buy from you when you are not even sold on yourself yet?

When you start to feel good about you and what you can do with your business, then other people will too. When you gain peace of mind and emotional autonomy, other people will sense your self esteem and rock solid belief and want to be a part of whatever product, company, or system you are aligned with.

So many times we work on building our business, but forget to work on ourselves. Many times, you need to work on yourself more. There are tons of books, CD's, mentoring programs, coaching, etc. All of these great things will greatly assist you in developing your mindset, your belief system, and your attractor factor. This is part of the law of attraction, and when you become attractive to others, they will want whatever it is you have to offer.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Legacy You Are Leaving Behind

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

What will the world be like when you are gone?

As I read today's issue of Sports Illustrated, I couldn't help but think of the legacy I would be leaving behind when I am gone.

I know you are probably reading this thinking 'what could you possibly read in Sports Illustrated that would get you thinking about your legacy?'

Well, today's issue hits close to home for me. On the cover you will see a picture of Ed Thomas, standing with his arms crossed and few football players in the background and with the billing "A Good Man Down – Tragedy in the Heartland: The Murder of a Beloved High School Coach." You can read the full article on by clicking here.

Most people reading this don't know Ed Thomas or how a high school football coach could end up on the cover of Sports Illustrated. It was Thomas who had led the townspeople of Parkersburg, Iowa, out of the rubble of a tornado last year, showed them how to live a Christian life, and brought honor to a football field he mowed himself.

On May 25, 2008, a tornado with winds exceeding 200 mph cut a hole three quarters of a mile wide in the heart of Parkersburg, killing eight people, destroying 220 homes, and leveling the high school. Then, just this past week, on June 24, 2009, the most recognized figure in town was gunned down in the makeshift high school weight room.

He delivered sermons when ministers were away. He consoled husbands whose wives were ill. He presented baby boys with FUTURE FALCON certificates. Of course he taught kids to play football, and he also taught driver's ed.

The night Thomas died, 2,500 people showed up at the field for a vigil - an impressive number considering there are only 1,900 people in the town of Parkersburg.

A look back at the life of Ed Thomas won't reveal a man who had everything money could buy - but it will reveal to you one of the richest men who ever lived.

What you give during your life will determine your true value. Your legacy will live on. As I look back on the life of Ed Thomas I have to stop and wonder if I give enough - everyday. One thing is for certain though; anyone would be honored to live the life that Ed Thomas did - most of us just don't know how.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Your Million Dollar Mindset

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Your Mindset Is Your Biggest Weapon. Make Sure You Have Good Ammunition

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Am Pissed Off At YouTube!!!

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

The YouTube beast is on a rampage.

YouTube is shutting down hundreds of YouTube channels without warning, without reason, and there is no sign that they will slow down either!

So I have a question...

Are you using YouTube as part of your marketing arsenal?

YOU SHOULD BE! Millions of people are on YouTube every single day searching for information and value and you can make a fortune on YouTube alone...

But you've got to be careful... VERY careful when you're on YouTube's playground.

Tonight I'm going to reveal to you a little bag of tricks that should allow you to stay on YouTube for the long-haul.

Trust me, you do NOT want to put your blood, sweat, tears, and years into building a YouTube channel and then one day try and log-in and BAM!


And YouTube doesn't have a phone number to contact...

YouTube doesn't care about YOU. YouTube's $10.00 / hr employees are on the hunt to shut down anything and everything that looks at all suspicious and if you send them an email requesting a reason as to why you got shut down, they'll just send you a cookie-cutter email response and that will be the end of it.

Tonight will change the way you play the game on YouTube...

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

YouTube can be one of your best marketing pillars, but you've got to play by their rules... kinda ;)

It will all be exposed tonight at 9:00 PM EST!

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 56

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

210 Days To Go

The head now looks rounded. The eyelids are beginning to unite, and the eyes appear half closed. The fingers and toes are separated. By today, the thin layer of ectoderm that has covered the baby has been replaced by a layer of rather flattened cells, which will become the surface layer of the baby's skin. The intestines have begun their migration, but are still primarily located in the umbilical cord. The baby's sex still can't be identified by looking at the external genitals. The tail has disappeared. The baby measures 1 inch long (25.4mm) and weighs about .04-.11 ounces (1-3 grams).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 55

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

211 Days To Go

Over the next two days, if we will be having a boy, the scrotum will begin to swell (the scrotum is an outpocket of the abdominal wall that houses the testes). The baby is .91 to 1.10 inches (23-28mm) long.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 54

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

212 Days To Go

The baby's eyelids are more developed now, and the tongue is fully formed. Today, the external ears will complete their development. The baby's toes are unwebbed and appear longer.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 53

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

213 Days To Go

Today the baby measures between .87 and .94 inches (22-24mm) in length, four times as long as it was just one month ago. If you experienced a comparable growth rate, within a month from now you would have to duck to stand in a room with a twenty foot ceiling.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 52

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

214 Days To Go

By today or tomorrow, the external ears will be completely developed. The bones of the palate are beginning to fuse and the taste buds are beginning to form on the surface of the baby's tongue. The feet are fan-shaped and the toes are webbed. The baby measures .71-.79 inches (18-22mm) from crown to rump.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 51

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

215 Days To Go

The retina of the eye is now fully pigmented. The baby's arms are longer and now bend at the elbow. The fingers and thumb are still short and webbed. Notches, or grooves, have formed between the toes on the foot plate. The baby's tail is still visible but is stubby.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 50

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

216 Days To Go

The surface of the baby's brain is now beginning to develop the rounds and fissures characteristic of humans. The upper lip is fully formed. Primary ossification centers are appearing in the long bones. These centers direct the replacement of cartilage by bone. The ossification process always starts in the upper arms, where the first true bone cells will replace the cartilage. If our baby is a girl, the clitoris is beginning to form from the same tissue that the penis, if a boy, will develop from. By this time, the critical period for the baby's heart development has ended. The heart will continue to grow and develop, but not at such a fast pace.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 49

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

217 Days To Go

Over the next three days, the baby's arms will lengthen somewhat and begin bending at the elbow. The fingers and thumb have appeared, and are short and webbed with folds of skin in between.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 48

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

218 Days To Go

The structure of the baby's eye is now well developed (it's not mature enough to do any visual processing yet though). Over the next three days, the tongue will begin to develop. Distinct grooves are formed between the digital rays of the hands. The intestines are beginning to migrate from the umbilical cord (where they were originally formed) into the body cavity. The external ears are set low on the baby's head. As development proceeds, structures literally get pulled from one location to another. The baby's ears will not stay low set - unless that is a family trait (I don't think mine are). They will be pulled to their normal position as the head grows in size and shape. Likewise, the eyes, although well formed, are located on the sides of the baby's head, much like a rabbit, but they too will migrate forward as head development continues. The baby now measures between .62 - .71 inches long (16-18 mm) and weighs about .033 ounces (.94 grams).

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 47

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

219 Days To Go

By today, the baby's eyelids have begun to form. Over the next two days or so, the baby's basic body proportions will change. The trunk will begin to elongate and straighten.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 46

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

220 Days To Go

The nasal openings and the tip of the baby's nose are formed. By today, the elbow region is clearly visible. Also, by today, the toe rays have appeared on each foot plate. The skin on the foot plate folds down between the future toes, distinguishing each from the other.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 45

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

221 Days To Go

In the next couple of days, the baby's nipples will become visible. During this week, the baby will begin to make spontaneous movements, as the connection improves between its brain and its tiny muscles and nerves. My wife won't be able to feel any of these movements yet, because the baby is still so small, rarely comes into contact with the uterine wall, and the motions involve little actual force. The baby now measures between 1/2 and 2/3 inch (13-17 mm) in length.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Video Marketing - Your Videos

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Part Two for one of the easiest and most effective strategies to drive highly qualified prospects to your site for FREE!!

For your first video, you can simply introduce yourself, your business, your products, whatever. You can also get ideas from the list below.

Topic Ideas:
  • Introducing Your Story
  • "How-to" video
  • A Problem / Solution Video
  • Something fun you did this week
  • A video of the lifestyle you have
  • A video of you on vacation
  • A video of you doing something fun with your family or friends
  • Something new you learned this week

Write An Outline

I recommend simply using an outline for your videos. The more natural your video sounds the better. People are very boring when they read word for word from a script.

For your first video, use this outline:
  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Relate to your viewers (i.e. Chances are, I used to be just like you. I was sick of working 9-5 and not making what I knew I was worth. If you have a family, as I do, then you know how difficult it is to make ends meet and still have time to be there for your kids, etc.)
  3. Identify a problem (i.e. you can't get ahead by trading time for dollars)
  4. Share the solution (i.e. using the internet to market yourself, you have leverage. This allows you to make the best use of your time and money, so you can have more of both!)
  5. Give viewers a specific call to action (i.e. If you're serious about making $50,000 or more within your first year, go to

Make Your Video

Don't worry about making your video absolutely perfect. Quickly review your outline, and just start recording! I usually only do one take, unless I really mess something up. That brings me to my next point...

If you make little mistakes, don't worry about it. People want to connect to REAL people, not just someone who sounds like they're reading from a script.

Upload Your Video
You can upload your video to multiple video sharing sites including YouTube, Revver, Dailymotion, Viddler, and the list goes on and on. The more sites you upload your video to, the more people you are likely to connect with.

Promote Your Video

The video sharing sites will already be going to work promoting your video for you, based on the tags and description you gave your video when uploading.

For example, when a prospect goes to and searches for a keyword that you used in your tags, your YouTube video can pop up in the search engines results.

There are a still a ton of other ways to promote your video. Here are a few:

Now that you know the basics to making great videos, let's go have fun and make some!

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 44

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

222 Days To Go

If any object touches the baby's head through the abdominal wall, the baby will turn away. Semicircular canals are beginning to form in the baby's inner ear that will sense balance and body position. The eyelids will begin to form over the next four days. The elbows will become visible in the next three days. By today, the indentations at the baby's knees and ankles are present. Over the next three days, the toe rays will appear. The critical period for the baby's leg development has ended. This means that the legs are now at their proper location and proportional size for this stage in development. Detail will be added (toes, joints, and toenails) in the time that remains.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Video Marketing - Introduction

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Video Marketing is HOT! It is one of the easiest and most effective strategies to drive highly qualified prospects to your site for FREE!!

Everybody loves movies and TV. If you could combine your ability to help people make money with a great video, then you would have the best of both worlds. Well now you can. There are several websites that allow you to upload your own videos for ANYONE to watch online. YouTube is a free website where you can post videos about anything that you like. It can be about you, your business, a competitor, or a home business related topic. The options are virtually endless.

So Who is Watching Videos?
(according to YouTube)
  • 71% Employed, 15% are students

  • Median Income $75,000

  • Almost 50% are married

  • 70% are college educated. That is a GREAT audience!

So Why Should I Learn Video Marketing?
  • You can get high volumes of traffic, quickly

  • Effective Self-Branding Tool

  • Position Yourself as a Leader/Expert

  • Increase Website Conversions

  • Can Target Specific Keywords

There are a couple reasons why video has become so popular. From a business standpoint, people have a tendency to like things they SEE and experience, rather than just reading.

Making videos is much easier than you think! Let's run down a few things you are going to need to get going.

1. Webcam/Video Camera If you are going to make videos, you will need something to record with! I personally recommend The Flip. This camera can be used as a regular video camera and a web cam. It has everything you need to become a video marketer extraordinaire! It's by far the easiest camera to use, so if you're technically challenged, this is the camera you want. You can get The Flip by clicking here.

If you're on a tight budget you can get a web-cam that mounts onto your computer at your local store, such as Best Buy, for around $35. If you have a newer computer (especially a Mac) double check your computer before purchasing an entirely new camera. You might have a webcam already built in. You can still get The Flip if you want to shoot more lifestyle-type videos.

2. Good Lighting and Sound Make sure you do a quick test video to ensure that people can actually see and hear you in your video. This only needs to be about ten to twenty seconds long. You don't want to waste your efforts by shooting a six minute video and uploading it to YouTube, only to have no one be able to see or hear you.

3. Choose An Appropriate Background You want the words in your video to match what people are seeing. For example, if your video talks about the awesome lifestyle you've achieved with your business, make what people are seeing convey the same message. Also, do a little housekeeping first. No dirty laundry or old pizza boxes in the background. No one likes to see that, and it only devalues your videos.

Stay tuned for part two when I talk about how to make your videos.

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 43

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

223 Days To Go

Cartilage and bone are beginning to form in the baby's system. The ridges on the baby's hand plates are now well established. The gonads are forming and, over the next week or so, will become either testes or ovaries, depending on the sex of the baby (any guesses yet???) Over the next two days, indentations will form where the baby's knees and ankles will eventually develop.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 42

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

224 Days To Go

The digital rays, or ridges of the hand plates, should be completed today. Nipples are beginning to form for both sexes. Within the heart, the trunk of the pulmonary artery (the blood vessel that sends blood to the lungs to become oxygenated) separates from the trunk of the aorta. The baby's kidneys are beginning to produce urine. Today, the critical period for the baby's arm development has ended. The arms are now at their proper location and proportional size for this stage in development. The only task left is to complete the development of the hands.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 41

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

225 Days To Go

Because of all the rapid development, the baby's head is now much larger that its trunk. Over the next two days, the neck and trunk will begin to straighten (remember, prior to this point the embryonic baby has been shaped like the letter C). Also, within the next two days, the hand plates will develop ridges indicating where the baby's fingers and thumb will be. As the process of forming the digital rays (ridges) continues, the baby's hands will look like the shell of a scallop. The baby now measures nearly ½ inch long (11-14mm). It is so small it would fit into a walnut shell and it weighs less than a book of matches.

Monday, April 27, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 40

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

226 Days To Go

The palate continues to develop. The jaw and facial muscles are beginning to form. The baby teeth are developing beneath the baby's gums. The baby's heart begins its separation into four chambers. By this time the heart's energy output is 20% that of an adult. The diaphragm is forming as well (this is a piece of tissue that separates the chest cavity from the abdomen).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 39

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

227 Days To Go

By tomorrow, the baby's lower limb paddles will have developed foot plates and pigment will be present in the retina of the baby's eye.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 38

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

228 Days To Go

Swellings are developing where the external ears will eventually be. The upper lip is beginning to form. The intestines are beginning to form within the umbilical cord. They will migrate into the abdomen when the baby's body is big enough to hold them. Primitive germ cells are arriving at the genital area. These cells will respond to genetic instructions to develop into either female or male structures.

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 37

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

229 Days To Go

The pituitary, or master gland, is beginning to form in the baby's brain. This gland produces growth hormone and other hormones that regulate the function of other glands, especially the thyroid, adrenal glands, and gonads (later to be ovaries or testes - still taking guesses for the baby's sex). The olfactory bulb (connected with the sense of smell) is also beginning to form in the brain. During the next four days, pigment will begin to form in the retina of the eye and the lower limb paddles will develop foot plates. The windpipe (trachea), voice box (larynx), and bronchi (tubes that lead to the lungs) are beginning to form. The baby now measures .3 to .43 inch long (8-11mm), having doubled in length in just eight short days!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 36

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

230 Days To Go

The cerebellum - the area of the brain that coordinates muscle movement, is beginning to develop. A primitive palate is forming on the roof of the baby's mouth. The baby's hand plates (flat rounds of tissue that will become the hands) will appear by today if the aren't already present. The elbow and wrist regions of the arm are becoming identifiable. The spleen (the organ that produces antibodies and removes worn-out red blood cells and bacteria from the bloodstream) is beginning to develop. The liver is now large enough to produce a bulge in the baby's abdomen.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 35

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

231 Days To Go

By now the division between the cerebral hemispheres (the two halves of the baby's brain) is well marked. The upper and lower jaws are present. Mammary gland tissue is beginning to develop in both females and males. (anyone have a guess for the baby's sex today?) The baby weighs about .00004 ounce (.001 grams) - about the same as an eyelash.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Why Calling Something A Scam Is A Scam

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

This is a great post from a friend of mine, Aaron Parkinson. He digs deep into the 'scam' genre.

This is a topic I have wanted to write about for many years but was worried I may “offend” some people. I no longer care. Over the last five years I have purchased about $100,000 worth of information online. I did this to stay ahead of the curve and improve my odds on being successful. In the last year I have started to notice that almost every author I buy from has someone calling them a “scam”. How is it possible that every known expert on the internet is a “scam”?

I started to do some research. I randomly picked some people who have affected my life in a positive way. I did a Google search on these people:

Anthony Robbins- He has sold millions of books, helped thousands of people, and suggests love as a way of doing business. Apparently, he is a scam.

Donald Trump- Self made billionaire, TV show host, best selling author. Guess what also called a scam.

Oprah - Self made billionaire and super philanthropist. Also called a scam. Impossible you say? More like unbelievable.

Now, just for fun I thought I would enter the search term Mother Theresa. There is no way that someone could call an icon, a person of such amazing levels of compassion, a saint, a scam is there? Wrong. There is actually a website that calls her a fraud and an evil person. That one blew my mind.

How could all these people and there businesses be a scam? The truth is….they aren’t. The true scammer is the person writing the article about them.

Now, I am not saying that there aren’t illegal or illegitimate businesses out there. There are. But not anywhere close to as many as you think. At least 98% of people and businesses that are of accused being a scam are being improperly labeled. Here are the three reasons why calling something a scam is a scam.

1) People take zero responsibility for the decisions they make. They buy some information or start a business and when it doesn’t work for them they call it a scam. Did they do the research? Did they follow the instructions? Were they under capitalized? There are so many reasons why a person can fail and 99% of them are the fault of the buyer.

2) They want to “ride the coat tails”. This means they have something they want to sell and they leverage the successful person’s traffic to get people to there website. If you ever see someone selling something right after they trash a person on there site then understand it is a marketing tactic. It has zero credibility.

3) Consumer protection-like sites. These are the biggest scammers out there. Most of owners cannot even be found for a reason. They are constantly being sued for slander but if you can’t find them you can’t sting them. They allow uneducated people to whine and complain about people and companies without verifying the validity of anything. You could even go on these sites as an employee of a company and randomly trash your competition….without anyone verifying the truth. So why do these sites exist? So the owners can sell advertising spots on there website. They are cockroaches. Plain and simple.

I hope this article gets passed around to millions of people. I want to educate everyone on how ridiculous things are getting. If you have a bad experience with something then ask yourself if you could have done something more.


Because that is how you learn. If you never take any responsibility for your failures then it makes it almost impossible to succeed. Look at the people who have the results you want and copy them. Don’t rip them down.

Don’t be a coward and call them a scam.

Aaron Parkinson

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 34

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

232 Days To Go

Because of the rapid brain growth that has been occurring, the baby's head is much larger than its trunk. The nasal pits are easily seen. The baby's legs now resemble paddles.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 33

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

233 Days To Go

The nasal pits are now prominent. The developing heart can be seen through the baby's chest wall. The final - and permanent - set of kidneys has been formed. In about a week, the kidneys will produce urine. In the next four days, the hand plates will appear. (each hand plate contains the tissues that will form the hands and fingers) The baby now measures about 1/3 inch (7-9mm) in length.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 32

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

234 Days To Go

The baby's arms now look less like flippers and more like paddles. (yeah, this is a short post, but I couldn't find anything else!)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 31

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

235 Days To Go

Rapid brain and head growth continues. Cups are formed that will contain the eyeballs. A primitive mouth appears. The groove of tissue that appeared on day 22 will now separate from the trachea (your windpipe) and develop into the esophagus. (the tube through which food is swallowed)

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 30

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

236 Days To Go

By this time, thirty-eight pairs of somites have formed. (the somites form the bones and muscles of the head and trunk. Don't worry, I had to look it up too) If they haven't appeared already, the leg buds will be present today.

The baby's brain has differentiated into the three main parts possessed by all human brains: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain.

  • The hindbrain contains regions that help regulate heart rate and breathing and coordinate muscle movements

  • The midbrain is a relay station, sending messages to their final destinations in the brain

  • The forebrain has specialized structures called "lobes" that translate input from the senses, play a role in memory formation and storage, and engage in "higher order" processing, like thinking, reasoning, and problem solving.

The baby now measures ¼ inch (6-7mm) long - that is 10,000 times bigger than at conception, and we are only at day 30!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 29

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

237 Days To Go

The lenses of the baby's eyes continue to form. The surface layer of the baby's skin will be formed during this month. The tongue is recognizable and the nasal pits are beginning to form. The lymphatic system (the system that filters out bacteria and other foreign particles) is beginning to develop. A second nonfunctional set of kidneys appears. The arms still look like flippers. The gonads are present but have not developed into ovaries or testes. (anyone want to guess girl or boy yet?) In eight more days (that would be day 37) the baby will be twice as long as it is today.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 28

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

238 Days To Go

The lenses of the baby's eyes are beginning to form. The lens bends the light that enters the eye to focus a clear image for vision. The arms now look like flippers. In the next three days, the leg buds will appear. The first of three sets of kidneys appear. (This set never becomes functional) The baby is shaped like the letter C, and the prominent feature is the tail, or end portion, of the baby's body, which now measures .16 to .24 inches long (4-6mm) crown to rump.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 27

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

239 Days To Go

By now the arm buds have appeared and a tiny liver has many important functions involving the utilization of nutrients:

  • It stores excess blood sugar and releases it when required

  • Stores and metabolizes fat

  • Breaks down excess protein

  • Synthesizes blood-clotting factors

  • Breaks down poisonous substances, including alcohol

The gall bladder, stomach, intestines, pancreas, and lungs are beginning to form. The thyroid continues its development.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 26

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

240 Days To Go

The aorta of the baby's heart is beginning to form. The aorta is the largest artery of the body, carrying blood away from the heart to all organs and tissues. The baby's length is now measured from the top of its head (crown) to the bottom of its bottom (rump). The "crown-to-rump" length at day 26 is between .11 and .20 inches (3-5mm).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 25

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

241 Days To Go

The eyes are beginning to form, and a tiny depression now marks the place on either side of the head where the baby's ear canal and inner ear will form. The digestive system is beginning to form from a portion of the yolk sac. In the next three days, the arm buds will appear.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 24

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

242 Days To Go

The next eighteen days mark a critical period for arm and leg development. At this point, the baby has no visible arms or legs. But in another forty-eight hours, the tiny buds that will form the arms will suddenly appear. The eyes will also begin to form. The spinal cord is beginning to form between pairs of somites. Thirteen pairs of somites are now present. Liver and pancreas buds are present. The embryo now assumes a curved shape, with a prominent bump representing the head.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome To IOWA!!!

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

We love to have visitors here. Just be sure to observe our basic rules first.

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 23

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

243 Days To Go

The development that began yesterday continues today:

  • The baby's jaws are appearing

  • The lung buds are forming

  • Circulation is being established in the mesoderm and yolk sac

  • The lining of the placenta is developing

  • The somites are forming

While the baby's physical appearance changes, its size changes too - it is getting bigger everyday!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 22

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

244 Days To Go

Between week four and week eight, the development of the baby's facial features takes place. Five folds of tissue accumulate at the base of the head to provide the raw material for the chin, cheeks, upper jaw, and ears. Two arches form that will become the upper and lower jaws. The groove of tissue that will form the larynx (your voice box) and trachea (your windpipe) appears. Five more pairs of somites have formed. Now eight pairs of somites are present, and the neural tube (the spinal cord) will begin to form between them. The chest and abdominal cavities are continuing to form. Lung buds (tissue from which the lungs will form) appear in the chest cavity. If the baby's heart didn't begin to beat yesterday, it will start today. Circulation is beginning to develop in the mesoderm, the yolk sac, and in the lining of the placenta.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 21

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

245 Days To Go

Four primitive chambers are forming in the baby's heart. Three pairs of somites are now present along the spinal column. The cavities of the chest and abdomen are forming. The baby now measures about 1/8 inch (1.5-2.5mm).

Who Are You Choosing To Associate And Network With?

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

If one bad apple spoils the whole bunch, what will 10 bad apples do for you?

Take a good look at your life right now. Where are you? Where are you going? What are your goals? Everyone has room for improvement, and most of us are striving for something better. But the question that remains, will you get there from here?

We all have aspirations to accomplish goals. Perhaps you want to buy your first house or afford to send your children to college or even start that career you have always wanted. Maybe even a house or a vacation? Whatever they are, we all have them. Some of those goals you will accomplish and some of them you won't. But have you ever thought that your surroundings may be playing a factor in the outcome?

Now take a look at your closest friends and family. Who are you spending your time with? More than likely, these people are very similar to you in many ways. Their education is similar. Their employment is similar. Their family, their house, their income, and their toys, are all very similar to what you have. Is this a coincidence? Usually not.

Your surroundings depict a certain comfort level in your life. You become like the people who are closest to you. Is that hard for you to believe? Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.

When I started a job as an auto mechanic, I was fairly clean cut and well spoken. But the more time I spent at my job, the more I became like my coworkers. The changes took place everyday, and were so small, that I didn't even notice them - but my wife did. After working there for a few months, she asked me why I was using vulgar language quite regularly. I was dumbfounded by the question. What on earth was she talking about? I wasn't using such language - was I?

The more I thought about it, the more she was right. My surroundings had taken a toll on the way I was living. I had developed the same language as my coworkers. (I guess the potty mouth stereotype of auto mechanics may be correct) The biggest problem here was that I failed to recognize it and fell victim to it. Then I had to make a conscience effort to correct the situation.

This type of activity can happen to anyone in any walk of life. You will become like the people you surround yourself with, whether you like it or not. Now I am not saying that you need to ditch all of your friends and go find new ones, but you do need to make a conscience effort to recognize your surroundings and take appropriate action. If you want to be a successful auto mechanic, then you need to start spending time around successful auto mechanics. If you want to be a professional football player, then you need to start spending time with football players. Want to be a chef, a dancer, or a broker? You guessed it. The earlier you start, the earlier you will achieve your goals.

Don't let your surroundings dictate your future. Take control of your surroundings and mold your own future.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 20

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

246 Days To Go

The next thirty days mark a critical period in the development of the baby's heart. While the heart itself consists of just two heart tubes, it has been joined to blood vessels in the baby's system. The next ten days mark a critical period in the development of the central nervous system. The mesoderm is now dividing into matched pairs on either side of the spinal column. These matched pairs of tissue called "somites" will eventually form the bones and muscles of the baby's head and body. Today, the first pair of somites will appear and thirty-eight pairs of somites will form between now and day thirty. The thyroid gland, eventually located a the base of the neck on either side of the windpipe, is also beginning to form. Today was a big day in the development of the baby's muscles, bones, and heart.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Why You Are NOT Achieving Your Goals

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Sure you have some great goals, but are you afraid of what might actually happen when you achieve them?

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 19

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

247 Days To Go

The fold of tissue that will form the baby's head can now be identified. The baby's body is beginning to unfold. The baby measures between .04 and .06 inch (1.0-1.5mm) from head to tail.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 18

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

248 Days To Go

Besides forming the baby's first blood cells, the cells that create the blood islands also form channels called the heart tubes. The heart tubes are fusing together. This is the first step in forming the baby's primitive heart, which will circulate the blood cells throughout the baby's body.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 17

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

249 Days To Go

Another group of cells is migrating to the baby's head to form the notochord (gives rise to the vertebrae, or the bones of the spine). The cells in the notochord release a chemical that causes a dramatic change in the size of the cells in the ectoderm. These top-layer cells grow rapidly and form a thickened area called the neural plate, which will develop in the next few days.

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 16

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

250 Days To Go

A groove is forming within the primitive streak through which cells will migrate to form three layers of tissue:

  • The endoderm

  • The mesoderm

  • The ectoderm

All of the baby's cells and organs will form from these three tissue layers. The bottom later of cells (endoderm) forms the glands, lining of the lungs, tongue, tonsils, urethra and associated glands, bladder, and degestive tract.

The middle layer of cells (mesoderm) forms the muscles, bones, lymphatic tissue, spleen, blood cells, heart, lungs, and reproductive and excretory systems.

The top layer of cells (ectoderm) forms the skin, nails, hair, lens of the eye, lining of the internal and external ear, nose sinuses, mouth anus, tooth enamel, pituitary gland, mammary glands, and all parts of the nervous system.

In addition, the cells from the middle layer will migrate to form a woven support for the developing organs. Another group of cells form clumps called blood islands, which begin to form the baby's first blood cells. The genetic blueprint in each cell tells the cell what to do and orders its migration to the spot in the baby's body where the development will take place. It is a truly amazing process!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 15

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

251 Days To Go

The primitive streak appears - the forerunner of the brain and spinal cord). It is now possible to identify the head and tail sections of the baby's body.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Wife Is Pregnant - Day 14

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

252 Days To Go

No, this is not an April fool's joke. I just found out that my wife is pregnant. We have calculated today to be day fourteen of her pregnancy.

I will be doing research on the developing baby and keep this blog updated with what is happening on a daily basis. Some of this will be technical, and keep in mind that I am by no means a doctor of any sorts, but I will do my best to explain what is going on.

So let's dig right in on what is happening on day fourteen!

The chorionic villi are now fully formed. The amniotic sac, amniotic cavity, and yolk sac have also completed their development.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Twitter Rage?

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Mike Dillard unfollows thousands, and causes a Twitter uproar.

For those of you unaware of it, Mike Dillard recently made a public announcement that he was going to unfollow thousands of people on his Twitter account. This seemed to cause a huge uproar from those who were following him. The anger started flying:

"why would you abandon me?"

"well, I'm going to unfollow you then!"

"who do you think you are?!"

A lot of people bought into the theory of Twitter karma, i.e. you follow me I follow you. Mike was no exception. But as his Twitter following list grew, he noticed a problem: he was no longer able to sift through all of the garbage on Twitter and find what he was really looking for.

His Twitter stream became over populated. It was no longer a pleasure to use Twitter, but instead became a chore. He no longer liked Twitter and started using less because of this.

Mike was now outside is comfort zone. Twitter needs to be a fun experience. If it isn't, you need to change it.

If you are following someone on Twitter and they are only providing you with garbage, then why are you following them? For the sake that they will follow you back?

You should only follow people on Twitter that you have an interest in or would like to have an interest in. The same applies to your followers. If they have no interest in you or what you have to Tweet about, why follow you?

Personally, Twitter would be no fun for me if I had to sort through 30,000+ people in my Twitter stream. It would become a headache for me. I like to interact with people on Twitter. I follow those I think are or could be interesting. If I am not following you, don't take it personal. I treat it just like I do offline relationships.

If I am at a party and you are boring or just have nothing in common with me, then I move on. I find someone else to mingle with. Twitter is no different.

Remember why Twitter was created and why you are there. I love to connect with people and I love to create new relationships. Twitter allows me to do that on a much larger scale than I ever could offline. As long as I use it for connecting with people, then it should always be pleasurable.

Maybe you should look at your Twitter account too. Maybe you need to unfollow a few people. Maybe you need to start following some that you didn't before because they weren't following you.

Make your Twitter account productive and pleasurable. And for crying out loud, stop worrying about who is following you. If you really want someone to follow you, add more value to your tweets and give them a reason to.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Target Your Internet Searches

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

The world wide web has become a massive place. Make sure you can find your way through the clutter.

We all like to find what we are looking for as fast as possible. Let's face it, we have lots to do and no time to do it. We certainly don't want to spend any more time looking for what we want than we have to. Search engines have become better at targeting the information that you want, but you can also help them along.

To do research on the internet more quickly, use what I call the "minus dot com" trick. Simply add a minus sign and '.com' to the end of your search. i.e. "small business performance improvement"

The minus dot com tells the search engine to ignore web sites with .com and focuses your search results to .org, .edu, and .gov, which tend to be more information oriented and trustworthy than their dot com associates.

Here is an example of how this works. If you use Google to search for "small business performance improvement" you will get a listing for 3,880,000 search results. But if you perform the same search but add the minus dot com phrase, you get a more targeted search result with only 1,490,000 listings.

Let us go one step further here. Put quotation marks around the exact phrase that interests you. In this case we will search small business 'performance improvement' and get a search result of 48,100 listings.

By simply letting the search engines know exactly what you want, and what you don't want, you can streamline your search results and find the information you need faster. Now you can spend more time with the content, or better yet, with your family and friends.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The 10 Traits Of A Successful Home Based Business Owner That You Don't Have

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Master these, and you will be well on your way to home based business success.

Thousands of people start a new home based business every year. Some prosper into massive fortunes, while others just wither away. Some people always seem to have success with their home based business ventures, while others never seem to get their home based businesses off the ground.

After some investigating, I found that the successful home based business owners all seem to have some of the same traits. I want to share that with you today. Hopefully, you will apply these practices to your home based business, and in turn achieve the success you desire.

The Ten Traits Of A Successful Home Based Business Owner

Here are the 10 things I have come up with during my investigation. Pay close attention here. You may even want to take notes or print this off for future reference.

  1. Be A List Maker. I like to do this the night before so I am ready to go the next morning with everything I need to get done. This starts my day off organized and primed for results. As you finish each task, cross it off your list. It is amazing how much you will get done when you can focus on what you need to do, and not hem-hawing about what needs to be done. Having the items crossed off your list will also give you a sense of accomplishment, making you feel better about what you are accomplishing in your home based business.

  2. Be Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is the fuel you need to accomplish your tasks. Enthusiasm will keep your energy level high. People who are busy, happy, and enthusiastic are always achieving success with home based business. And if that wasn't enough, enthusiasm is contagious. If your enthusiasm level is high, your prospects will see their enthusiasm increase as well.

  3. Set Your Goals. What are you doing? What do you want to accomplish? Pay off your debt? Buy a house? Fire your boss? It doesn't matter what your goals are, you just need to know what they are. Write them down, and be specific. Include exactly what your goals are and when you are going to achieve them. If the goal is large, break it down into smaller goals that combine into your bigger goal. This will keep you focused and keep you from getting discouraged. And make sure you have your goals where you can see them. You want to look at them several times a day. When you wake up in the morning. Before you go to bed at night. Another four to six times throughout the day. This will keep your goals fresh in your mind and keep you focused on achieving them.

  4. Schedule Your Time Wisely. Your schedule is the roadmap by which your home based business travels. It ensures that you are doing your income producing activities first, and your less important items last. Plan your work, and then work your plan. Most people spend too much time in their email inboxes everyday. The most successful home based business owners spend less than one half hour with their emails a day. Also, I know you love your family, but work time is work time. Your family needs to respect your business and know that you need to have uninterupted work time. You need to treat this time just as if you were in a place of employment.

  5. The Magic Word Is "Ask" The most successful home based business owners don't wait for business to come to them. They create their own sales by asking for it. They ask for appointments, and then they do business. They ask for business, and then they close sales. They ask for referrals, and then they have full list of potential prospects. You want to be polite, but firm, when you are asking.

  6. Expect No's. You are going to get no's when running any home based business. Remember that these are not personal. In home based business sales, the law of averages is always at work. Every no you receive will get you closer to a yes. Be sure to keep track of your ratio. It will help you to improve your techniques. You can also use your ratio as a goal. Remember setting our goals? Are you getting eleven no's for every yes? Is your ratio running six no's to a yes? Always remember that your income is dependent on the yes. Also remember that a no is not always the end. Quite often a no is simply a way of saying "I need more time to think." It may simply be a request for more information about your product or service. What your prospect is actually buying is assurance. You need to assure them here with your helpful attitude and complete honesty. They need to know that you want what is best for them. In most instances, they will respect you and do business with you.

  7. Maintain A Positive Attitude. Success with your home based business is ninety percent attitude and ten percent aptitude. Every one of us must develop habits of constructive thinking. All of us. I am proud to be a home based business owner. I am proud to be in sales. Sales is what makes the wheels of our economy turn. Advisor to several presidents Bernard Baruch was once quoted as saying, "If every salesperson sat down and took no orders for twenty-four hours, it would bankrupt the country." Every company that has any kind of product or service is dependent upon sales to move those products and services. Remember, if you become good at sales, you will enjoy and income far above the average.

  8. Have An Office Area. For success with your home based business, it is essential that you have a place where you can work in an organized and efficient manner. An office plus a strict working schedule equals dignity. Both are absolutely essential for efficient operation and accurate record keeping, which are very important to the success of your business.

  9. Be Involved. Most home based business opportunities offer contests to stimulate production. Include those contests and what your results will be as part of your home based business goals. Not only do contests add a considerate amount of income to your business, they are just plain fun to participate in.

  10. Handle Money Intelligently. A regular nine-to-five job in Corporate America usually means a paycheck at the end of two weeks. As a home based business owner, you will be handling money constantly. Making sales with your business means instant income and constant income. It is absolutely mandatory that you become an efficient money manager. Have a separate checking account setup specifically for your business. You will want to deposit every penny from every customer into this account. Since bank statements show an exact record of every penny collected, and business expenses can be verified by your cancelled checks, your record keeping will become more simple and very accurate.

So are you ready to be a home based business professional? Does financial security mean a lot to you? At this point, you need to ask yourself a few questions including:

  • Am I honest?

  • Am I willing to learn?

  • Am I willing to work?

  • Do I really like people?

  • Am I actually capable of being my own boss?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then it is time to find yourself a good home based business opportunity. You will need to find one that you like, one that fills a need or offers a solution to many people, and start working for yourself! If you can take your future into your own hands, then you can make your dreams a reality.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Favorite YouTube Video

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Somehow, this one still delivers on the promise.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quote Of The Day

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Somehow, we never seem to learn from our mistakes of the past.

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." -- Cicero , 55 BC

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Is Direct Sales?

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

The direct sales industry can provide you with unlimited income potential. But do you really know what the direct sales industry really is?

Thousands of people start a new direct sales opportunity every year. They range anywhere from Amway to Tupperware to the latest cosmetic company. Most people start them with the intention of having a little bit extra money for a few luxuries in life. A new set of drapes, a new wardrobe, better furniture, or more nights at the movies. Anything to make life a little bit more enjoyable.

They usually start off by selling some products to family and friends. After that, they usually quit. Why? Most people use the excuse 'I am not a born salesperson.'

Truth be told, no one is a born salesperson. No one is a born anything. Is someone a born doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect? Absolutely not. They had to learn. Being good at any profession requires a learning period, and this is no different in direct sales. How long would you go to school to learn being a doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect?

If you are looking for extra income or a fulfilling career, direct sales can provide you with the means to accomplish those goals.

So What Is Direct Sales?

Direct sales is when the representative, or salesperson, is directly involved with the consumer, and there is no middle man. Most companies have quality products that they want to get to the public at a modest price, and do so in mass consumption. Most of these companies are also members of the National Association of Direct Selling Companies.

Someone once said "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." With this in mind, most direct selling firms have starter kits available to their new representatives, usually priced anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the company, the products, and the contents of the starter kit.

Many people who get involved in direct sales have made changes in their lives for the better. They were able to take that nice vacation they never thought they could afford. They bought that new car. They were able to afford college for their children. They were able to increase the quality of thier lives through an increased income.

Being your own boss in a direct sales company provides many benefits which include, but are not limited to:

  1. Being your own boss (wouldn't you love to 'fire' your boss?)

  2. Little investment to start your own business compared to traditional brick-and-mortar type businesses

  3. You determine how much you are being paid

  4. You determine how many hours and which hours you work each day

You can be your own boss if you have self discipline and can do what needs to be done. In this sense, the direct sales industry offers unlimited earning potential.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Why You NEED To Brand Yourself

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Branding yourself or business could be the biggest breakthrough you are looking for.

There are a lot of people and a lot of businesses in the world today. Some of the biggest challenges we face everyday as business owners is getting our share of the marketplace. Differentiating yourself from the competition can be a hard task to accomplish, but can be very beneficial.

Take, for example, you are promoting a company replicated website. You market your product or service and drive traffic to your website. From there your visitors read about your product or service and become interested in what you have. From there many people will do research beyond your website. Most will go to a search engine like Google and search for the key terms branded on your website.

For your company replicated website, they will find results for that specific company. Unless you are one of the top 3 search results for the keywords they used, they will be taken to someone else’s web content. These could be articles, press releases, videos, blogs, etc. They will do the research on these web pages and click the links within those pages to go back to the company they were researching. They will become a customer on someone else’s website because they couldn’t tell the difference between your company replicated web site and the new one they found. To the prospect, it was all the same website.

This means you just spent your time and money to market someone else’s website. Your banner ads, pay-per-click ads, videos, etc. just sent traffic to someone else’s website and that traffic became a paying customer.

However, if you were not using a company replicated website, and you were branding yourself or your own business, then when your prospect does their research online, they will be using keywords in their searches that you are branding. They will find your articles, blog posts, videos, etc. in the search results and do their research on content that you own. When they click the links in the content you own, they will be taken back to your website, and not someone else’s.

Developing your own personal brand can be a very powerful marketing method that will result in fewer lost customers for you, less spent on advertising per customer, and more profit for you and your business.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why You Need Social Media

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Sites like Facebook and MySpace are not just for kids.

Most people have heard about social media by now. It includes website like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Blogger (duh!), etc. What most people don't realize is how much of an advantage these sites can be for you.

For example, let's say that John Doe visits your website. He likes what he sees, but has heard that there are a lot of 'scammers' on the internet and he wants to play it safe. If you have links to your social media sites on your website, he can click on them and go directly to your blog, Twitter page, Facebook profile, etc. He can become comfortable with you, which will help move him from visitor to customer.

This can also be effective when you don't have links. Let's say John Doe goes to Google after visiting your site and types your name into the search box. What will he find? If you are using social media correctly, he will find those and see what you are already about.

There has to be a certain level of comfort and trust for someone to move from visitor to customer. That has been the case for years, not just for online business. When you develop trust and provide a solution to a need, your customers will come back to you again and again.

Nothing new to the business world, but most people forget the little principles when moving from a 'brick and mortar' business to an internet business.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fun Valentine's Day Quotes

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

What Are Your Thoughts On Love's Biggest Day?

Valentine's Day can be one of the most fun of all holidays for me. What other day can you be a little goofy and shower your love with flowers, balloons, and candy. Expressing your love can be the greatest feeling in the world. So I wondered what others might think. Here is what they had to say:

"If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?"

"Without love, what are we worth? Eighty-nine cents! Eighty-nine cents worth of chemicals walking around lonely."
Hawkeye, M.A.S.H.

"Without love, the rich and poor live in the same house."

"Love is the thing that enables a woman to sing while she mops up the floor after her husband has walked across it in his barn boots."
Hoosier Farmer

"True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked."
Erich Segal

"Love wouldn't be blind if the Braille weren't so damned much fun."

"Falling in love is so hard on the knees."

"Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties."
Jules Renard

"Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit."
Peter Ustinov

"Love is a grave mental disease."

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Most Awesome Nachos

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

The Taste I Love, and The Nutrition Isn't Half Bad Either...

Sometimes I get worn short on what foods to feed my family. I try to mix it up so that nobody gets bored, but I also like to keep the nutritional value of our meals high. What used to be a battle for 'healthy eating' has become less painful. Finding new ways to provide taste with nutrition has kept my family happy, which makes me happy.

So today I am sharing with you a recipe for nachos I came across that no only taste good, but are still fairly decent for you as well. We made a meal of it, as it is fairly balanced. I can't say that too often about nachos.

And how good was it? Even my 4 year old daughter asked for seconds.

Here is the low down:

The mozzarella stands in for the fatty cheddar, and black bean chips boost fiber and slice the calories. And with a big scoop of black beans and salsa, you get a blast of antioxidants.

  • 1 bag black bean chips

  • 1 can black beans, drained and rinsed

  • 1 ½ cup shredded, low-moisture part-skim mozzarella cheese

  • 1 cup cooked chicken, shredded or chopped

  • 1 cup salsa

  • ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro

Preheat oven to 400°F. Arrange the chips in a single layer on a large nonstick baking sheet. Cover evenly with the black beans, then the mozzarella cheese. Bake for 15 minutes, until the cheese is slightly melted. Remove from oven, spread the chicken evenly over the nachos, and return the nachos to the oven. Bake an additional 10 minutes, or long enough to warm the chicken and brown the cheese. Remove and top with your favorite salsa and the cilantro.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do You Look Older Than You Really Are?

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Some Ideas To Keep You Looking And Feeling Better.

Can you believe it has been seven weeks since my last post? You think I would have fallen off the face of the earth or something! I mean come on, you neglects their blog for that long anyways?!

Well, I guess I will have to give you something good here. And in light of the new year, I suppose I will give you some healthy body related info.

I was recently discussing overall health with a female friend of mine in the modeling industry, and she made for a very interesting conversation. I won't go into great detail, as our conversation lasted about one hour, but I will give you what she called her ten commandments of skin care.

  1. Wash your face just enough to remove dirt and makeup, not to leave skin feeling tight.

  2. You wouldn't leave the house without brushing your teeth - the same goes for wearing broad-spectrum SPF 15 minimum.

  3. You can use regular cream around the eyes (we usually do)

  4. Choose a moisturizer with antioxidants that protect skin from the elements.

  5. Reapply moisturizer hourly when flying, unless you want to look DOA.

  6. Look for an anti-aging cream with retinoids. Yes, they really work.

  7. Apply anti-aging or anti-acne ingredients before any other products to keep from blocking their penetration.

  8. More isn't always better. A pea-size amount of face cream is enough.

  9. Exfoliate skin every week with a gentle scrub.

  10. If you want real results, give products up to six months to work.

Whether you are man or woman, you can apply these to your life. Yes guys, you are allowed to take care of your skin. Put your ego aside today so you don't look like a catcher's mitt in 20 years. And if for no other reason, the ladies like it when your skin is taken care of. I mean, who wants your sandpaper hands and feet rubbing them in bed? Think about that for a minute guys.....