Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Success Solutions

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

You Are Your Most Powerful Asset.

Being able to have success is very simple. It isn't always easy, but it is very simple. I have been able to break down my own experience and provide you with a solution.

You heard me right.

I am about to give you the solution to your problems. It is not some magic lotion, potion, or pill. It is very simple and you - yes even you - can follow it. The question will be will you apply it?

My solution presents itself in six steps. Lets see how they all break down.

#1. Have a Dr.Phil moment. - so how is that working for you? Are you doing the same thing over and over again? Are you still expecting different results? Did you know that is the definition of insanity?

#2. Only those who see the invisible can do the impossible. - Only shooting stars break the mold. The truly successful do things a little bit differently than everyone else. If you are doing the things that everyone else is doing, than you are going to get the results they are as well. I don't know about you, but that just isn't good enough for me.

#3. Develop a plan. - failing to plan is planning to fail. If you don't know how to get from New York to Los Angeles would you just start walking? How long would that take you? Where would you end up? Eventually you would just give up. (sound like most of the goals you have had in the past?)

#4. Become personally accountable and responsible. - The buck stops here. Once you make yourself the end all for everything in your life, everything takes on a whole new perspective. If it is your fault you didn't get that raise/promotion/award, then you will work smarter to achieve it.

#5. Self education. - Schooling will make you smart, but self education will make you a success. Think about everything you learned in school. It is the same thing everyone else learned too. It is what the other guy learned on his own that sets him apart from you.

#6. Use time each week. - If you make it a point to review and adjust each week, then you will stay on track. The more you keep it fresh in your mind, the more you will think about it, and the more you will accomplish.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Who Are You?

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

You Are Your Most Powerful Asset.

You have seen it before. There is always someone out there who is better looking, more successful, and more whatever you can think of. There is always someone who has the secret you need to accomplish your goals. And without them, you are doomed to failure.


So many of us are spending our time trying to become successful or reach a goal that we start to mimic other people, thinking we will achieve what they have if we only copy them. You couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth is you are very important and very valuable. There is only one you, and you need to present you to the world. Let me give you an example...

When I first started marketing on YouTube, I watched a ton of videos from people who were already successful in this industry. I wanted to see what they were doing so I could have success as well. Sound familiar?

I started to copy the styles and content I found the gurus doing and applying them to my own videos. Did it bring me success?




One day it finally hit me. The only way to have success is to be me. When I stopping making videos the way other people were and started making them the way I would, I started to have success with video marketing.


It is quite simple. People started to get the real me.

People can tell when you are you. There is a genuineness about you that only shines through when you are being you. Your subconscious tells you when someone is faking it, and no one will follow a faker.

But Jeremy, I just got started today. Why would anyone follow a newbie? I can't possibly be myself.

Wrong again.

Your desire and passion for success will shine through if you be yourself. People don't follow income claims, systems, or the next best lotion/potion/pill.

They follow people.

And if you give them the real you, and you truly strive for success, they will follow you.

All the way to the top.