Monday, October 27, 2008

To Stay Home Or Not to Stay Home

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Can You Survive Leaving Corporate America?

To stay home or not to stay home with your children is the big question many parents are asking themselves. Or perhaps it is not a question if you should stay home or not. Maybe it is a desire to stay home and raise your children. You may then have the question 'how can I stay home and raise my children without going broke?'

Well, I have come across a solution to this problem of staying home to raise my children while not going broke at the same time. It something I call being a 'Full Throttle Marketer.'

Now I know what is going through your mind right now, and I want to ease your fears.

I do not have any formal marketing training.

I went to college and obtained my associates degree in automotive technology. I think you would agree with me that this is far from anything close to marketing. I can however, follow simple instructions. If you can do the same, then you can find success while staying home with your family.

I want to clarify something here: this applies to being your own boss, becoming an entrepreneur, etc. This does not apply to working for someone else from your home.

You will want to find an opportunity with a lucrative compensation plan. This is a must if you want to make any significant amount of money from home. If you are going to be investing your time in a business venture, you will want to be well compensated for it.

You will also want to check for ease of getting started and expansion. You may be starting your new business with little to no experience, and having some pre-made templates will allow you to get your business venture up and running quickly.

But wait, I also mentioned expansion. You want to be able to expand what I call 'You, Incorporated.' Having templates is great for getting started, but once you get the ball rolling, you will want to starting branding you and your business, and templates just won't work for that. Make sure you can brand yourself once you get some experience under your belt.

Okay, this all sounds great, but what about the time I want to spend with my family. Isn't that the whole purpose for working from home? This all sounds like it is very time consuming.

You want to find a business model that has a professionally staffed call center that does all of the selling and telling for you. Lets face it, ninety-five percent of all people have no selling skills. How can you possibly sell enough of your business to make a decent living and still have time for your family? That is the whole point of having a call center. They know how to sell and they are good at it. This will free up your time so you can concentrate on what I mentioned at the beginning of this article: Full Throttle Marketing.

If you can spend all of your work time marketing you and your business, and not have to worry about selling, you can increase your business dramatically. Marketing is what drives people to your business. The more marketing you do, the more potential customers you have. Think about how much more marketing you could be doing and how much less selling you would be doing.

This also allows you to do something else: run your business on autopilot. You can take that vacation or day trip you have always wanted to go on. Maybe your son has a baseball game today. Or your daughter has a dance recital. Wouldn't it be great to never miss another activity again? To have that guilt just disappear? And since you have a call center closing all of your sales for you, you will be generating an income even while doing these things you enjoy.

So lets wrap up. Becoming a Full Throttle Marketer allows you to stay home with your family, earn an actual income that you can support your family on, and you get to work on your schedule. So what are you waiting for? Put your life at Full Throttle!

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