Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Marketing 101

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship

Often I am asked by new entrepreneurs what marketing methods I used when I first started. They want to know effective ways to generate leads and produce income. They want to get their business going, but are unsure on which road to take.

Now, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, because I think it is great that people are seeking answers to their questions. In order to be successful, you should do what successful people are doing, right? However, you do not possess the proper mindset for success if you are asking. Doing exactly what I am doing or was doing will not bring you success.

First off, you should be enjoying your new business venture. If you wanted to be miserable, you would be at your job, right? So if I told you that I had tremendous success doing blogs and forum posts, but you hate writing, how much sense would it make for you to do these tasks when you are first starting?




You would be miserable. Your heart wouldn't be in it. And you would quit. End of story. You would become a statistic and label that business opportunity as a scam.

So what do you do?

I help teach members of my team to use all sorts of different marketing strategies. Ever hear of MySpace or Facebook? How about Squidoo or HubPages? Blogs or forums? How about articles or press releases? Ever seen a banner ad or search marketing ad?

These, as well as others, are all ways to market your new found business. They are all effective at generating leads. There is only one problem with each of them.


Hardcore. I have been called that several times. But the fact remains that these marketing strategies don't fail.

Your marketing fails.

So what is the difference?

When you first start with your new business, you need marketing that is going to work fast to generate you leads. So again I am asked, which one should I do?

You are the only person that can answer that question. You need to determine your strengths, your weaknesses, and what you really enjoy doing. Start with a strength that you enjoy doing. You will be able to master this fast and you will enjoy doing it.

Pick the wrong technique, and you will hate every minute of it. Period.

Once you master one or two marketing techniques, start on a third or fourth one. Continue to build from there. It will make your journey of becoming a master marketer more enjoyable. Success will come faster too.

That is what we all want, right? Enjoyable success.

If you conquer all of the easy stuff first, there will be no hard stuff.

1 comment:

Alecia Stringer said...

Thanks Jeremy,

I've really had to think about what strategies I can do that brings success to me. It's especially hard on no budget. You showed me that I can be successful in whatever I do best.

Thanks for the insight,