Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Blog About Nothing

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Could It Come At A Better Time?

Okay, I admit it.

After racking my brain on a plethora of subjects to blog about, I have ultimately decided that there is nothing worth blogging about this week. Not to say that there is nothing happening in the world, but who wants to read about your investments going belly up or how much mud slinging the political candidates are doing? Again.

Now, I honestly do enjoy the political punches that get thrown near election time. But, like you, writing about it now feels just like reading it or watching it on tv. At this point, enough is enough. And when it is all said and done, you will probably learn just as much as you would from this blog post. Nothing.

Aside from some chad counting, major voting screw ups, or some novel supreme court ruling, the next couple of weeks should bring a sigh of relief.

No more phone calls.

No more political tv commercials.

No more mass junk mailings.

Hopefully, nothing of any importance will fill our lives. We will all just sit back and have our moments of zen. That is of course until we all start blaming everyone else for all of our problems. Again.

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