Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Is Direct Sales?

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

The direct sales industry can provide you with unlimited income potential. But do you really know what the direct sales industry really is?

Thousands of people start a new direct sales opportunity every year. They range anywhere from Amway to Tupperware to the latest cosmetic company. Most people start them with the intention of having a little bit extra money for a few luxuries in life. A new set of drapes, a new wardrobe, better furniture, or more nights at the movies. Anything to make life a little bit more enjoyable.

They usually start off by selling some products to family and friends. After that, they usually quit. Why? Most people use the excuse 'I am not a born salesperson.'

Truth be told, no one is a born salesperson. No one is a born anything. Is someone a born doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect? Absolutely not. They had to learn. Being good at any profession requires a learning period, and this is no different in direct sales. How long would you go to school to learn being a doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect?

If you are looking for extra income or a fulfilling career, direct sales can provide you with the means to accomplish those goals.

So What Is Direct Sales?

Direct sales is when the representative, or salesperson, is directly involved with the consumer, and there is no middle man. Most companies have quality products that they want to get to the public at a modest price, and do so in mass consumption. Most of these companies are also members of the National Association of Direct Selling Companies.

Someone once said "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." With this in mind, most direct selling firms have starter kits available to their new representatives, usually priced anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the company, the products, and the contents of the starter kit.

Many people who get involved in direct sales have made changes in their lives for the better. They were able to take that nice vacation they never thought they could afford. They bought that new car. They were able to afford college for their children. They were able to increase the quality of thier lives through an increased income.

Being your own boss in a direct sales company provides many benefits which include, but are not limited to:

  1. Being your own boss (wouldn't you love to 'fire' your boss?)

  2. Little investment to start your own business compared to traditional brick-and-mortar type businesses

  3. You determine how much you are being paid

  4. You determine how many hours and which hours you work each day

You can be your own boss if you have self discipline and can do what needs to be done. In this sense, the direct sales industry offers unlimited earning potential.


Karen said...

Love this post, you make some very valid points! I like to think of direct sales as a profession instead of an industry - we are professionals! We receive regular training, connect and serve customers, and become experts in our field! I've especially enjoyed my involvement with the Direct Selling Women's Alliance ( - it's not just for women! :) Lots of support and even certified training there! Good luck in your biz!

Jeremy Sandy said...

Right on Karen! No matter what field you are in, you need ongoing training. We may be an expert today, but we need to be an expert tomorrow too. Keep striving forward!