Copyright © Jeremy Sandy
Mike Dillard unfollows thousands, and causes a Twitter uproar.
For those of you unaware of it, Mike Dillard recently made a public announcement that he was going to unfollow thousands of people on his Twitter account. This seemed to cause a huge uproar from those who were following him. The anger started flying:
"why would you abandon me?"
"well, I'm going to unfollow you then!"
"who do you think you are?!"
A lot of people bought into the theory of Twitter karma, i.e. you follow me I follow you. Mike was no exception. But as his Twitter following list grew, he noticed a problem: he was no longer able to sift through all of the garbage on Twitter and find what he was really looking for.
His Twitter stream became over populated. It was no longer a pleasure to use Twitter, but instead became a chore. He no longer liked Twitter and started using less because of this.
Mike was now outside is comfort zone. Twitter needs to be a fun experience. If it isn't, you need to change it.
If you are following someone on Twitter and they are only providing you with garbage, then why are you following them? For the sake that they will follow you back?
You should only follow people on Twitter that you have an interest in or would like to have an interest in. The same applies to your followers. If they have no interest in you or what you have to Tweet about, why follow you?
Personally, Twitter would be no fun for me if I had to sort through 30,000+ people in my Twitter stream. It would become a headache for me. I like to interact with people on Twitter. I follow those I think are or could be interesting. If I am not following you, don't take it personal. I treat it just like I do offline relationships.
If I am at a party and you are boring or just have nothing in common with me, then I move on. I find someone else to mingle with. Twitter is no different.
Remember why Twitter was created and why you are there. I love to connect with people and I love to create new relationships. Twitter allows me to do that on a much larger scale than I ever could offline. As long as I use it for connecting with people, then it should always be pleasurable.
Maybe you should look at your Twitter account too. Maybe you need to unfollow a few people. Maybe you need to start following some that you didn't before because they weren't following you.
Make your Twitter account productive and pleasurable. And for crying out loud, stop worrying about who is following you. If you really want someone to follow you, add more value to your tweets and give them a reason to.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Target Your Internet Searches
Copyright © Jeremy Sandy
The world wide web has become a massive place. Make sure you can find your way through the clutter.
We all like to find what we are looking for as fast as possible. Let's face it, we have lots to do and no time to do it. We certainly don't want to spend any more time looking for what we want than we have to. Search engines have become better at targeting the information that you want, but you can also help them along.
To do research on the internet more quickly, use what I call the "minus dot com" trick. Simply add a minus sign and '.com' to the end of your search. i.e. "small business performance improvement"
The minus dot com tells the search engine to ignore web sites with .com and focuses your search results to .org, .edu, and .gov, which tend to be more information oriented and trustworthy than their dot com associates.
Here is an example of how this works. If you use Google to search for "small business performance improvement" you will get a listing for 3,880,000 search results. But if you perform the same search but add the minus dot com phrase, you get a more targeted search result with only 1,490,000 listings.
Let us go one step further here. Put quotation marks around the exact phrase that interests you. In this case we will search small business 'performance improvement' and get a search result of 48,100 listings.
By simply letting the search engines know exactly what you want, and what you don't want, you can streamline your search results and find the information you need faster. Now you can spend more time with the content, or better yet, with your family and friends.
The world wide web has become a massive place. Make sure you can find your way through the clutter.
We all like to find what we are looking for as fast as possible. Let's face it, we have lots to do and no time to do it. We certainly don't want to spend any more time looking for what we want than we have to. Search engines have become better at targeting the information that you want, but you can also help them along.
To do research on the internet more quickly, use what I call the "minus dot com" trick. Simply add a minus sign and '.com' to the end of your search. i.e. "small business performance improvement"
The minus dot com tells the search engine to ignore web sites with .com and focuses your search results to .org, .edu, and .gov, which tend to be more information oriented and trustworthy than their dot com associates.
Here is an example of how this works. If you use Google to search for "small business performance improvement" you will get a listing for 3,880,000 search results. But if you perform the same search but add the minus dot com phrase, you get a more targeted search result with only 1,490,000 listings.
Let us go one step further here. Put quotation marks around the exact phrase that interests you. In this case we will search small business 'performance improvement' and get a search result of 48,100 listings.
By simply letting the search engines know exactly what you want, and what you don't want, you can streamline your search results and find the information you need faster. Now you can spend more time with the content, or better yet, with your family and friends.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The 10 Traits Of A Successful Home Based Business Owner That You Don't Have
Copyright © Jeremy Sandy
Master these, and you will be well on your way to home based business success.
Thousands of people start a new home based business every year. Some prosper into massive fortunes, while others just wither away. Some people always seem to have success with their home based business ventures, while others never seem to get their home based businesses off the ground.
After some investigating, I found that the successful home based business owners all seem to have some of the same traits. I want to share that with you today. Hopefully, you will apply these practices to your home based business, and in turn achieve the success you desire.
The Ten Traits Of A Successful Home Based Business Owner
Here are the 10 things I have come up with during my investigation. Pay close attention here. You may even want to take notes or print this off for future reference.
So are you ready to be a home based business professional? Does financial security mean a lot to you? At this point, you need to ask yourself a few questions including:
If you answered yes to all of these questions, then it is time to find yourself a good home based business opportunity. You will need to find one that you like, one that fills a need or offers a solution to many people, and start working for yourself! If you can take your future into your own hands, then you can make your dreams a reality.
Master these, and you will be well on your way to home based business success.
Thousands of people start a new home based business every year. Some prosper into massive fortunes, while others just wither away. Some people always seem to have success with their home based business ventures, while others never seem to get their home based businesses off the ground.
After some investigating, I found that the successful home based business owners all seem to have some of the same traits. I want to share that with you today. Hopefully, you will apply these practices to your home based business, and in turn achieve the success you desire.
The Ten Traits Of A Successful Home Based Business Owner
Here are the 10 things I have come up with during my investigation. Pay close attention here. You may even want to take notes or print this off for future reference.
- Be A List Maker. I like to do this the night before so I am ready to go the next morning with everything I need to get done. This starts my day off organized and primed for results. As you finish each task, cross it off your list. It is amazing how much you will get done when you can focus on what you need to do, and not hem-hawing about what needs to be done. Having the items crossed off your list will also give you a sense of accomplishment, making you feel better about what you are accomplishing in your home based business.
- Be Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is the fuel you need to accomplish your tasks. Enthusiasm will keep your energy level high. People who are busy, happy, and enthusiastic are always achieving success with home based business. And if that wasn't enough, enthusiasm is contagious. If your enthusiasm level is high, your prospects will see their enthusiasm increase as well.
- Set Your Goals. What are you doing? What do you want to accomplish? Pay off your debt? Buy a house? Fire your boss? It doesn't matter what your goals are, you just need to know what they are. Write them down, and be specific. Include exactly what your goals are and when you are going to achieve them. If the goal is large, break it down into smaller goals that combine into your bigger goal. This will keep you focused and keep you from getting discouraged. And make sure you have your goals where you can see them. You want to look at them several times a day. When you wake up in the morning. Before you go to bed at night. Another four to six times throughout the day. This will keep your goals fresh in your mind and keep you focused on achieving them.
- Schedule Your Time Wisely. Your schedule is the roadmap by which your home based business travels. It ensures that you are doing your income producing activities first, and your less important items last. Plan your work, and then work your plan. Most people spend too much time in their email inboxes everyday. The most successful home based business owners spend less than one half hour with their emails a day. Also, I know you love your family, but work time is work time. Your family needs to respect your business and know that you need to have uninterupted work time. You need to treat this time just as if you were in a place of employment.
- The Magic Word Is "Ask" The most successful home based business owners don't wait for business to come to them. They create their own sales by asking for it. They ask for appointments, and then they do business. They ask for business, and then they close sales. They ask for referrals, and then they have full list of potential prospects. You want to be polite, but firm, when you are asking.
- Expect No's. You are going to get no's when running any home based business. Remember that these are not personal. In home based business sales, the law of averages is always at work. Every no you receive will get you closer to a yes. Be sure to keep track of your ratio. It will help you to improve your techniques. You can also use your ratio as a goal. Remember setting our goals? Are you getting eleven no's for every yes? Is your ratio running six no's to a yes? Always remember that your income is dependent on the yes. Also remember that a no is not always the end. Quite often a no is simply a way of saying "I need more time to think." It may simply be a request for more information about your product or service. What your prospect is actually buying is assurance. You need to assure them here with your helpful attitude and complete honesty. They need to know that you want what is best for them. In most instances, they will respect you and do business with you.
- Maintain A Positive Attitude. Success with your home based business is ninety percent attitude and ten percent aptitude. Every one of us must develop habits of constructive thinking. All of us. I am proud to be a home based business owner. I am proud to be in sales. Sales is what makes the wheels of our economy turn. Advisor to several presidents Bernard Baruch was once quoted as saying, "If every salesperson sat down and took no orders for twenty-four hours, it would bankrupt the country." Every company that has any kind of product or service is dependent upon sales to move those products and services. Remember, if you become good at sales, you will enjoy and income far above the average.
- Have An Office Area. For success with your home based business, it is essential that you have a place where you can work in an organized and efficient manner. An office plus a strict working schedule equals dignity. Both are absolutely essential for efficient operation and accurate record keeping, which are very important to the success of your business.
- Be Involved. Most home based business opportunities offer contests to stimulate production. Include those contests and what your results will be as part of your home based business goals. Not only do contests add a considerate amount of income to your business, they are just plain fun to participate in.
- Handle Money Intelligently. A regular nine-to-five job in Corporate America usually means a paycheck at the end of two weeks. As a home based business owner, you will be handling money constantly. Making sales with your business means instant income and constant income. It is absolutely mandatory that you become an efficient money manager. Have a separate checking account setup specifically for your business. You will want to deposit every penny from every customer into this account. Since bank statements show an exact record of every penny collected, and business expenses can be verified by your cancelled checks, your record keeping will become more simple and very accurate.
So are you ready to be a home based business professional? Does financial security mean a lot to you? At this point, you need to ask yourself a few questions including:
- Am I honest?
- Am I willing to learn?
- Am I willing to work?
- Do I really like people?
- Am I actually capable of being my own boss?
If you answered yes to all of these questions, then it is time to find yourself a good home based business opportunity. You will need to find one that you like, one that fills a need or offers a solution to many people, and start working for yourself! If you can take your future into your own hands, then you can make your dreams a reality.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Quote Of The Day
Copyright © Jeremy Sandy
Somehow, we never seem to learn from our mistakes of the past.
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." -- Cicero , 55 BC
Somehow, we never seem to learn from our mistakes of the past.
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." -- Cicero , 55 BC
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What Is Direct Sales?
Copyright © Jeremy Sandy
The direct sales industry can provide you with unlimited income potential. But do you really know what the direct sales industry really is?
Thousands of people start a new direct sales opportunity every year. They range anywhere from Amway to Tupperware to the latest cosmetic company. Most people start them with the intention of having a little bit extra money for a few luxuries in life. A new set of drapes, a new wardrobe, better furniture, or more nights at the movies. Anything to make life a little bit more enjoyable.
They usually start off by selling some products to family and friends. After that, they usually quit. Why? Most people use the excuse 'I am not a born salesperson.'
Truth be told, no one is a born salesperson. No one is a born anything. Is someone a born doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect? Absolutely not. They had to learn. Being good at any profession requires a learning period, and this is no different in direct sales. How long would you go to school to learn being a doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect?
If you are looking for extra income or a fulfilling career, direct sales can provide you with the means to accomplish those goals.
So What Is Direct Sales?
Direct sales is when the representative, or salesperson, is directly involved with the consumer, and there is no middle man. Most companies have quality products that they want to get to the public at a modest price, and do so in mass consumption. Most of these companies are also members of the National Association of Direct Selling Companies.
Someone once said "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." With this in mind, most direct selling firms have starter kits available to their new representatives, usually priced anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the company, the products, and the contents of the starter kit.
Many people who get involved in direct sales have made changes in their lives for the better. They were able to take that nice vacation they never thought they could afford. They bought that new car. They were able to afford college for their children. They were able to increase the quality of thier lives through an increased income.
Being your own boss in a direct sales company provides many benefits which include, but are not limited to:
You can be your own boss if you have self discipline and can do what needs to be done. In this sense, the direct sales industry offers unlimited earning potential.
The direct sales industry can provide you with unlimited income potential. But do you really know what the direct sales industry really is?
Thousands of people start a new direct sales opportunity every year. They range anywhere from Amway to Tupperware to the latest cosmetic company. Most people start them with the intention of having a little bit extra money for a few luxuries in life. A new set of drapes, a new wardrobe, better furniture, or more nights at the movies. Anything to make life a little bit more enjoyable.
They usually start off by selling some products to family and friends. After that, they usually quit. Why? Most people use the excuse 'I am not a born salesperson.'
Truth be told, no one is a born salesperson. No one is a born anything. Is someone a born doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect? Absolutely not. They had to learn. Being good at any profession requires a learning period, and this is no different in direct sales. How long would you go to school to learn being a doctor? Or lawyer? Or architect?
If you are looking for extra income or a fulfilling career, direct sales can provide you with the means to accomplish those goals.
Direct sales is when the representative, or salesperson, is directly involved with the consumer, and there is no middle man. Most companies have quality products that they want to get to the public at a modest price, and do so in mass consumption. Most of these companies are also members of the National Association of Direct Selling Companies.
Someone once said "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." With this in mind, most direct selling firms have starter kits available to their new representatives, usually priced anywhere from $50 to $500, depending on the company, the products, and the contents of the starter kit.
Many people who get involved in direct sales have made changes in their lives for the better. They were able to take that nice vacation they never thought they could afford. They bought that new car. They were able to afford college for their children. They were able to increase the quality of thier lives through an increased income.
Being your own boss in a direct sales company provides many benefits which include, but are not limited to:
- Being your own boss (wouldn't you love to 'fire' your boss?)
- Little investment to start your own business compared to traditional brick-and-mortar type businesses
- You determine how much you are being paid
- You determine how many hours and which hours you work each day
You can be your own boss if you have self discipline and can do what needs to be done. In this sense, the direct sales industry offers unlimited earning potential.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Why You NEED To Brand Yourself
Copyright © Jeremy Sandy
Branding yourself or business could be the biggest breakthrough you are looking for.
There are a lot of people and a lot of businesses in the world today. Some of the biggest challenges we face everyday as business owners is getting our share of the marketplace. Differentiating yourself from the competition can be a hard task to accomplish, but can be very beneficial.
Take, for example, you are promoting a company replicated website. You market your product or service and drive traffic to your website. From there your visitors read about your product or service and become interested in what you have. From there many people will do research beyond your website. Most will go to a search engine like Google and search for the key terms branded on your website.
For your company replicated website, they will find results for that specific company. Unless you are one of the top 3 search results for the keywords they used, they will be taken to someone else’s web content. These could be articles, press releases, videos, blogs, etc. They will do the research on these web pages and click the links within those pages to go back to the company they were researching. They will become a customer on someone else’s website because they couldn’t tell the difference between your company replicated web site and the new one they found. To the prospect, it was all the same website.
This means you just spent your time and money to market someone else’s website. Your banner ads, pay-per-click ads, videos, etc. just sent traffic to someone else’s website and that traffic became a paying customer.
However, if you were not using a company replicated website, and you were branding yourself or your own business, then when your prospect does their research online, they will be using keywords in their searches that you are branding. They will find your articles, blog posts, videos, etc. in the search results and do their research on content that you own. When they click the links in the content you own, they will be taken back to your website, and not someone else’s.
Developing your own personal brand can be a very powerful marketing method that will result in fewer lost customers for you, less spent on advertising per customer, and more profit for you and your business.
Branding yourself or business could be the biggest breakthrough you are looking for.
There are a lot of people and a lot of businesses in the world today. Some of the biggest challenges we face everyday as business owners is getting our share of the marketplace. Differentiating yourself from the competition can be a hard task to accomplish, but can be very beneficial.
Take, for example, you are promoting a company replicated website. You market your product or service and drive traffic to your website. From there your visitors read about your product or service and become interested in what you have. From there many people will do research beyond your website. Most will go to a search engine like Google and search for the key terms branded on your website.
For your company replicated website, they will find results for that specific company. Unless you are one of the top 3 search results for the keywords they used, they will be taken to someone else’s web content. These could be articles, press releases, videos, blogs, etc. They will do the research on these web pages and click the links within those pages to go back to the company they were researching. They will become a customer on someone else’s website because they couldn’t tell the difference between your company replicated web site and the new one they found. To the prospect, it was all the same website.
This means you just spent your time and money to market someone else’s website. Your banner ads, pay-per-click ads, videos, etc. just sent traffic to someone else’s website and that traffic became a paying customer.
However, if you were not using a company replicated website, and you were branding yourself or your own business, then when your prospect does their research online, they will be using keywords in their searches that you are branding. They will find your articles, blog posts, videos, etc. in the search results and do their research on content that you own. When they click the links in the content you own, they will be taken back to your website, and not someone else’s.
Developing your own personal brand can be a very powerful marketing method that will result in fewer lost customers for you, less spent on advertising per customer, and more profit for you and your business.
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