Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Your sales pitch is not working

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

Why today's society has little patience for you

You want to be successful at what you are doing, right?  So you come up with some product or service that you think a lot of people would want to buy.  You know that nobody will buy the product or service unless they know about it.  So you start marketing and advertising your product or service.  You do everything you can think of to get in front of consumers.  You quickly find that most people are frustrated with you, because you are wasting their valuable time.  People are yelling at you, hanging up on you, and telling you where you can stick it.

Companies today have come up with so many filters and labels that they market to you exactly what they think you will buy.  It is an information tidal wave and it is headed straight at all of us.  They know what you eat, what you wear, the car you drive, your favorite sandwich, your leisure activities, and how many hairs on your head.  They know exactly what you will buy, and they want you to buy it from them.

People today don't want to be bothered with anything anyone is trying to sell them.  Many things have gone into effect to protect consumers from this tidal wave of information coming straight at them.  From pop-up blockers to the do not call registry to spam filters, everyone wants to be left alone and not bothered with you or your product or service.  So now you are left with no way to reach your potential customers, right?  Wrong!

The internet is a virtual playground for almost everyone today.  This means that your potential customers are using the internet and are waiting for you to show them your product or service.  'But Jeremy, how do I reach these people if they don't want to be bothered or spammed or called?'  That is an excellent question and one that has a very simple answer.  You don't approach these people with your sales pitch.  You have them approach you.

People are very open and responsive when they are seeking an answer to their problems or want to know more about a specific subject.  You make yourself what other people are looking for.  It is a simple process called attraction marketing, and it works.  I do not cold call anyone.  I do not stop everyone within three feet of me and pitch my product to them.  I do not chase leads.  They chase me.  Your leads can chase you, too.  You just have to learn how.

Using this methodology that I like to call rejection free marketing, you too can see success where you have failed in the past.  You just have to do it.  It is that simple.

For more information about Jeremy Sandy or his home business, visit millionaireby2012.com

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