Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Legacy You Are Leaving Behind

Copyright © Jeremy Sandy

What will the world be like when you are gone?

As I read today's issue of Sports Illustrated, I couldn't help but think of the legacy I would be leaving behind when I am gone.

I know you are probably reading this thinking 'what could you possibly read in Sports Illustrated that would get you thinking about your legacy?'

Well, today's issue hits close to home for me. On the cover you will see a picture of Ed Thomas, standing with his arms crossed and few football players in the background and with the billing "A Good Man Down – Tragedy in the Heartland: The Murder of a Beloved High School Coach." You can read the full article on by clicking here.

Most people reading this don't know Ed Thomas or how a high school football coach could end up on the cover of Sports Illustrated. It was Thomas who had led the townspeople of Parkersburg, Iowa, out of the rubble of a tornado last year, showed them how to live a Christian life, and brought honor to a football field he mowed himself.

On May 25, 2008, a tornado with winds exceeding 200 mph cut a hole three quarters of a mile wide in the heart of Parkersburg, killing eight people, destroying 220 homes, and leveling the high school. Then, just this past week, on June 24, 2009, the most recognized figure in town was gunned down in the makeshift high school weight room.

He delivered sermons when ministers were away. He consoled husbands whose wives were ill. He presented baby boys with FUTURE FALCON certificates. Of course he taught kids to play football, and he also taught driver's ed.

The night Thomas died, 2,500 people showed up at the field for a vigil - an impressive number considering there are only 1,900 people in the town of Parkersburg.

A look back at the life of Ed Thomas won't reveal a man who had everything money could buy - but it will reveal to you one of the richest men who ever lived.

What you give during your life will determine your true value. Your legacy will live on. As I look back on the life of Ed Thomas I have to stop and wonder if I give enough - everyday. One thing is for certain though; anyone would be honored to live the life that Ed Thomas did - most of us just don't know how.